Monday, August 8, 2011

Smathers and Branson + Let's Be Preppy :)

Now, for this entry I have more ways than EVER to enter!

1. For 1 entry become a fan of Smathers and Branson on facebook
2. For 1 additional entry (2 total) become a fan of Let's Be Preppy on facebook
3. For 1 more additional entry (3 total) follow Smathers and Branson on Twitter
4. For 1 more additional entry (4 total) follow the Smathers and Branson Blog (super easy for any blogger users!!)
5. For 1 more additional entry (5 total) tweet about this giveaway!
6. For 1 more additional entry (6 total) post about this giveaway on your blog!
7. The fine print: the winner can pick an in-stock, non-monogrammed or custom belt!

Leave all your entries in 1 (ONE) comment here! I will be tallying the totals and getting back to everyone with a winner on Tuesday August 9! GOOD LUCK!

This post will stay live until then (as in no more posts until then) so keep your eyes out belt-lovers!!

Can't wait to see WHO WINS!!! Good luck y'all!!
